Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Okay first before I say anything you must see this video!!

Haha I thought that video was absolutely hilarious.. Elmo was breakin it down with Chris Brown!
This whole day I have been a huge dancing mood. I have had a different beat going in my head like every 2 hours. ITS AWESOME! My Ritalin really made me hyper today i have no idea why.. but it made me just want to DANCE! That is actually what I plan to do after im done with some work tonight: Go down stairs and work out to Step Up 2 and learn some new dance moves... Yeah thats whats up!
Picture of the day is from the photo shoot I had today with Jayne. We used some new lights, they are some really crappy lights which we found out after setting them up, but they paid off so no big deal.. Props to Glen our model/assistant.
It was a fun photo shoot, and these 2 shots were just for fun but tell me which one you like better.
It both of these I made Glens face look dirty and old, that not what he actually looks like... especially the second one
This one is pretty cool.. Passed out Glen
Okay now Check the second.. No hope


The Colonel said...

I like the 2nd one better for sure. It looks like he's either contemplating doing something horrible or he's thinking about something horrible he's done.

NATE said...

He looks like a mobster on a really bad day and _____ (insert what Ben said)


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