Saturday, October 4, 2008

Starts off rough....

Well guys I got to say.. I was very disappointed with this day, well actually just this morning. I woke up in a very giddy/excited mood today cause I was very pumped for practicing with the Bethany basketball team. I got all ready, I got my shoes,gym shorts, had quick Vegy drink, and even did a little stretching. (which was stupid cause I had to drive to get there) So i get in my car get pumped up with some and arrive at bethany.... there is only one car there... "Okay Chris its okay maybe they all had their moms drop them off" I walk up to the doors and they are locked...
"Hey Maybe it starts at 10:15 not at ten!" I get back in my car and wait it out... still no one. "OH COME ON!!...Wait maybe its at Bethany fellowship for some strange reason!" I get into the car and drive to Bethany fellowship and there are no cars at the Gym... " GAY!!! maybe there are people at the Bethany gym now!" So i drive back... still no one.."Screw it" I drove home...very disappointed
The afternoon was pretty good tho, I got a whole bunch of work done and Had lunch with the POPS...
The highlight was Matt Dyb's B day party, Cause i got to BALL IT UP!....Kind of.. We only played one game.. and I did just awful. My ADD really wanted to make itself known. I wasn't paying attention at all! My guy was open and made a whole bunch of outside shots.. OH one more thing.. I didn't score.. at all.
Although I sucked in B ball.. I did get to dance... a lot.. And little Sydney Richardson kept on trying to show me these Gymnastic hand stands, and I could do most of them, except this Back thing... it hurt fricken bad..
So moral of the story.. day= good! ROFL LOL!!

OMG BTW I have trouble choosing which picture to use for the pic of the day cause all i really have is Portraiture to show.. so I will just choose a random old one here...
I chose this one cause i am really calm and comfortable right now...
Tell me what you think..

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