Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ooooo Thanksgiving...

Oooooo Man I feel so good right now! I just got done working out at lifetime with Casey Flynn... I do not think he reads my blog so he doesn't get an official shout out! (But I still love that kid) Lifetime is amazing! My favorite thing there is the Steam room no doubt I love it!

Okay so anyways, I told myself I wasn't going to update this, but I felt strangely motivated too... So here it goes.

Yesterday I was feeling strangely discontent with my current circumstances. ( this whole being single thing...yeah i know.) But today it is the opposite. I am really feeling good about where I am now. I want God to be the one I lean on, And not try to replace him with anything. I had a good QT( quiet time, Devotional, whatever you want to call it) And I have been going through Isaiah, which is funny.. I will tell you why.. At times Isaiah can be pretty boring and none applicable, but at other time it completely PWNS YOU and is .....wait.. oh yes.. FRICKEN KICKEN! And here is an example of what I mean by Fricken Kicken

Isaiah 5: 18-22

18 Destruction is certain for those who drag their sins behind them
with ropes made of lies,
who drag wickedness behind them like a cart!
19 They even mock God and say,
“Hurry up and do something!
We want to see what you can do.
Let the Holy One of Israel carry out his plan,
for we want to know what it is.”

20 Destruction is certain for those who say
that evil is good and good is evil,
that dark is light and light is dark,
that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
21 Destruction is certain for those who are wise in their own eyes
and think themselves so clever.
22 Destruction is certain for those who are heroes at drinking wine
and boast about all the alcohol they can hold.

That last one sound familiar?
I have also been reading a book.... What? Oh yeah Im reading a book ... WHATS UP NOW?!
The book is called The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller. I am taking my small group through this, and I think it will be really good! I just read the first chapter but Hey so far its good haha... But seriously I do suggest it cause it goes over many of the arguments against God you hear today. Consider getting it..

Anyway that's all i got for today... And Again... I am really sorry.. no picture of the day.. SOON
Now im going to plat Left 4 Dead... one of the most fun games I have ever played!
Catch you later


The Colonel said...

2 things surprised me in this post. 1 being a good thing and 1 being disturbing.

1st, the good. You're reading Tim Keller and Tim Keller is awesome. A handful of chapters in I am loving that book. Check youtube for his talks on the book. Good stuff.

2nd, you eluding to being in a steam room with Casey and that doesn't sound good... or does it?

Ryan Leichty said...

I have not read very much in Isaiah, those were good verses though. I need to read the old testament more. And, once your done with Left 4 Dead, you need to get Gears of War 2. That game is intense! It's hard to stop playing.


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